The Sixth Triennial International Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conference
The International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference was held October 25-28, 2010, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. This marked the sixth time this triennial conference brought hundreds from the international aviation community together to share recent, ongoing, and planned research in the areas of aircraft fire and cabin safety research. Conference sessions included presentations for the areas of: aircraft fire safety; cabin safety; fuel tank flammability; halon replacement; materials safety development; material test method development; advanced material research; magnesium use in aircraft; batteries, oxygen fires and modeling; and crash dynamics
The 2010 conference was jointly sponsored by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA), the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the Agencia Nacional de Aviacao Civil of Brazil (ANAC), the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia (CASA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS).
A record 600 attendees participated in the 2010 conference. Attendees represented airlines, aircraft manufacturers, aircraft interior components manufacturers, cabin safety inspectors, fire suppression systems manufacturers, human factors researchers, computer modelers, regulators, safety researchers, and academics.
Presentations, comments, and input expressed at the Conference and in the 2010 Conference Proceedings are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect positions of the organizations represented. The 2010 Conference Proceedings were compiled by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Technical Center Fire Safety Branch, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey, USA, and Technology and Management International (TAMI), Toms River, New Jersey, USA.